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Island Turns and Tours - submit new info

A Guide to Backcountry Snowsports in the Vancouver Island Alps
Wild Isle Guidebooks to coastal Vancouver Island BC Adventure

Island Turns and Tours

Island Turns and Tours - Submit Info

If you have information on new backcountry winter ski tours to submit for posting on our web site and for inclusion in future editions of Island Turns & Tours please read the following instructions.

- Routes are best illustrated by submitting two photographs (either digital or print. for digital file specs see below) one photo of the mountain with the route clearly marked and a second clean copy which we can use to draw our own line and other neighbouring routes. Please include a brief written route description including approach details, any relevant technical grades and first ascentionists names and dates.

To submit new information or snail mail to PO Box 280, Quathiaski Cove, BC V0P 1N0

Don't forget to visit the updates page
for posted new route info and a free chapter to Island Turns & Tours in pdf format.

Island Turns and Tours 2nd Edition Coming Soon
Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour